
I had made this clay model for a Golden Eagle earlier.I recently got the blocks in for it and couldn’t wait to play with them. In between the castings I’m doing, I took a little time to just rough it out.It’s not due for another 5 months so don’t expect regular updates.The clay is really handy to work out the size,then determine how big a block you need.Also for finding the right balance and pose of the piece.Then acts as a reference to follow to allow a very quick rough out,you don’t have to keep searching for the piece,,you know just what you’re looking for.This clay model was made out the spray foam insulation called “great stuff” with only a thin layer of clay.This process allows me to easily change the piece ( I cut it’s head off and turned it to a pose I liked better). This is a great way to find FORM,,What I think is the basis for a piece. No detail is needed as it all works out in the wood.This piece is going to be donated. It also will have alot of symbolism in it,,it’s going to be fun. (please click images to enlarge ! )

eagle_01 eagle_02

I was asked how I make the copy of clay in wood to be so similar. I came up with a trick (didn’t know how I was going to do it either!) I first tried using a lamp, casting a shadow, just as it’s done making a silouette cut-out.Almost worked, but the line wasn’t clear enough and there was distortion. So I needed some sort of index, to follow the clay and transfer it to the wood. I ended up using a square.Slide the ruler part all the way out till it’s flush with the base, or handle part. Now hold the base of the square against the wood block, and let the 1 ft ruler part follow the outline of the clay. If done correctly, and the base is always held flat against the wood, a pencil,held against the base will allow you to scribe a line on the wood at the same position the ruler is following the clay model.I did the base square for the clay,letting me position the wood against that square edge fo the side profile.turn the clay , put the wood in front of it and “trace” it again,,now you have both front and side profiles to cut out on a band saw. This gives you a basic cut out. To rough it in,some eyeballing is required, but you still have the clay to take measurements from,and see just where you have to remove more wood. It’s easier and faster than just winging it in the wood alone. I know it may sound complicated,,, I’ll give you some photo’s that’ll clear it up in no time!

eagle_03 eagle_04 eagle_05 eagle_06

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3 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Claude
    Jul 17, 2009 @ 02:05:20

    Amazing work, Mark! Thanks for taking the time to show your progress.


  2. ChuckT
    Jul 18, 2009 @ 15:50:24

    Wonderful symbolism – as always so well thought out. Fascinating WIP description and details. Thanks Doris for helping Mark pull this together.


  3. dorisfiebig
    Jul 19, 2009 @ 14:57:28

    hi claude, and hi chuck … glad you enjoy the eagle in his new home, where he belongs to…yes, this story holds particularly many info, on so different areas, i just HAD to help mark to get it here…


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